Zone 2 training is good for increasing the aerobic threshold and I think these runs is most important for half and full marathon runners. May only run 2-3 times per week with some cross training. Laura won the 1500m comfortably in 4:02.75, but she ran the 800 final before that. Plyometric training: In my 100m/200m sprint training program, you will learn how to reach your potential with proven track workouts and strength training workouts that are designed . Some folks may speculate that it is a 40 / 60 split in either direction. To run a good 800m you need both speed and endurance. If you run the 800m, you basically need 200/400m speed, 800m speed (duh!) 5. 3. 3. So first you need to figure out what type of 800m runner you are and then train accordingly. Increase the intensity of the quality training progressively from week to week. Over 90% of the top 800m runners also have great times in the 1500m as compared to 800m runners only having less than 10% of the top times in the 400. In the last week before a competition you dont have the time to really improve any quality, so the goal is just to be well rested on the competition day. 4x(3300) rest= 2 and 4 (3600m) 4: 50 min easy 9. Increase your milage and training load gradually and slowly. Plyometric training. It is also equal to 1.5 kilometers. Hi..I am 20 years old and I am running 800 m and my running time is 2:00 minuteplease give me time break work and diet.. followed athletics for years, any chance of an update of what lisa is doing now? Most of you interval training should be at a controlled pace, where you are running within your own limits. Reduce recovery Fundamental period: Medium length intervals: 3x600m rest=4+6+8+2300 rest=3 (2400m) The weight room is likely very important to this athlete. The person with exceptional 400m or 200m ability will train to capitalize on his / her speed and to develop just enough endurance / stamina to make it through the race. Progresses to 3x400m with 4 min rec. Negative split means that you run the first interval slower than the others and gradually increase the speed on each interval. Back off trying to develop your weakness at this point. Spread out the hard days in your training program. All vital components of event training are included from fitness testing, mental conditioning, and multi-pace training to post-event analysis. 2 min recovery (400m pace) Examples on how you can progress the training sessions during the specific period: Reducing the recovery: These are low mental stress races for the athlete. About. That is somewhat faster than the anaerobic threshold. During the special period some sessions from the fundamental period is kept. Medium long aerobic intervals (400-600m) My ideas on 800m training comes from years of studying elite and sub elite training programs, information from running coach Renato Canova, Brad Hudson, Gianni Ghidini and from the 5 pace system that was used by Sebastian Coe. The Type II 800m runner, however, will find great benefit from these workouts. You could use either training program to prepare for basic training and/or use any of the workouts for off season, summer, and winter training. My view is that the longer runs of less than 1 hour is best used for regeneration purposes and not by trying to build anything with these runs. 3x600m @ 95% of RP with 10 min rec. They have maybe been a former long sprinter or long distance runner and believe that their type of training is the best and make all their athlete follow the same training regime regardless of the type of runner. Become familiar with the importance of neuromuscular coordination development and plan it into your program all year. 5:00 Rec. In February, I travelled to Braga, Portugal, and I was successful in winning the W55 category in the 800m, 1500m, and 3000m, at the European Indoor Master Championships. Progresses to 5x1200m 2 min rec. 3x400m 5 min rec. My advice is to have a negative split on all intervals and keep in most cases keep a reserve of 1 or 2 intervals(during base training). I believe in multi pace training. The training begins with very general training and building of 2 separate bases (speed and endurance) in the introductive period. Hills sprints act as the support and lays the groundwork for later speed training on flat surfaces (track training). They are perfect for building the power and stride before you later train speed at the track. However, there are plenty of 400 / 800 type runners in the NCAA who could run closer to 1:46.5 because of exceptional speed. <br><br>I am actively enhancing my skills and knowledge of sport . We had two different athletes in college who did not compete in the 800m - they were both sub 4:00 milers and XC runners. It's based offGreg's theory and philosophy and for the first time, he's opening up an opportunity to dig deep into some of exercises, training parameters, and the type of environment he use to build champions. 3. Day 4: Distance Running. from Coventry University. 8 min set rec. She now takes an iron supplement that she also endorses through a sponsorship deal, call Spatone. Longer recovery is needed. In HS, many sprinters have no desire to do the demanding endurance work that they see the distance team doing. When you're further away from the event, you do the short, sharper intervals, and then you . Speed Endurance Phase 3. This is also true for training in season, you still need to keep the elements from earlier periods of training (endurance, speed, strength, plyometrics) while you are doing specific training, but in smaller amount or less frequent than in the base training of course. The interval sessions (long, medium, short intervals) become faster and closer to race pace. 12x100m sprints flat (1400m) All the way up to an entire season. Give yourself 2 easy days of jogging if you feel your body needs it after an hard interval day. The legs should have the muscles to handle the work - tired, but not destroyed. 3. 2 min rest. 400 and 200 @ 800m pace. Running the intervals faster, but with longer recovery and reduced total volume. Type I and Type III 800m runners will excel with a commitment to weight training and Drill work. Strength training 6. Progresses to 4x400m with 5 min rec. Start with three 400m runs at a pace a little faster than 1500m, with 5mins recovery after each. 4. 2x(3x300m) 3 min rec. as base work and to allow for a milder training. 4. In this program you will get: 32 weeks of high quality training for the 800m event. The 800m athlete should focus on leg strength training, mostly 1 legged exercises, hip strength and core training. Training Programs Sneak Peek Video My 400m and 800m training programs are versatile and can be used for more than a means to get you your fastest 400m and/or 800m time in 12-20 weeks. General running training for these distances should include: * Some easy running, although it is a lot less important than for the longer distances. The person who is also competitive in the 1500 meters will likely capitalize on their middle-distance endurance and work enough to limit the lack of elite sprinting ability. The pure 800m runner is the person who has good pbs on 400m and 1500m, but the 800m pb is better than the 400m and 1500m pb. With some drills and footwork this athlete may improve significantly in sprinting and endurance ability. The 800m and 1500m are tough races because it is too long for a straight out sprint, but way too short to run at a comfortable speed. 1500 / 1600 Meter Training Plans The Metric Mile, 1500 meters, Mile, 1600, or 1609: The distance means different things to different people. 8. Upload completed workouts from your favorite tracking app or device. ( 10k to 1500m pace) AS A SOPHOMORE (2022) Competed in four meets for the Mocs top individual finish was 18 th in the 800m at the Tampa Distance Classic finished 19 th and 17 th, respectively, in the 800m and 1500m at the Sunshine State Meet posted a PR in the 1500m with a time of 4:15.53 at the Sunshine State Meet and set a PR in the 800m of 2:06.32 at the UCF Knights Invite. Examples on how you can progress the short aerobic intervals during the special period: 1. Quality weekly sessions dedicated to drills and technique. The rest are tempo runs and recovery runs. The most common events in track and field include sprints (such as the 100m and 200m), middle-distance races (such as the 800m and 1500m), long-distance races (such as the 5000m and 10,000m), hurdles, and relays. Sifan Hassan is the current world record holder for the mile (4:12.33) and 10000m (29:06.82) the dutch indoor and outdoor record holder for the 1500m (3:51.95) and 3000m (8:18.49) and 5000m (14:22.12). 800m-1500m "Go hard or suffer the rest of your life" - Paul Chelimo's Wisdom Distilled Paul emphasises the importance of being very strategic with training, when to go hard and how to peak at the right time. At the end of this period you are basically doing the short intervals at close to or at race pace. 5. 3. This principle also applies to distance runners. Our programs are built specifically for an area, skill, or time period. One, the vo2 max training is more background work before the speed endurance / rep / lactic tolerance work (which will involve training at 1500m / 800m and 400m pace). If you have any questions or want individual coaching you can reach me on the mail address below. Kampf's incredible consistency in training and racing is what will likely set her up well . 11. For 800m runner its more important to have developed a high Vo2 max rather than a high anaerobic threshold. Plays a role in 100m success as well. Here is how we assign and define strides. Here you will find articles and advice on getting fit, weight training, diet and nutrition, all of which can aid weight loss. 5. *Medium to long intervals at 65-85% of 800m pace, working to increase the length of each (repeat over time, or the overall volume of the workout, but NOT increasing the speed. Coach Halliday lays out the details of a well balanced week long workout plan for middle distance runners. The 800/1500m type of runner has good 800m and 1500m pb, but has a poor 400m pb. Fundamental period: A new HS runner should allow at least two seasons of work to get to these volumes. Lisa won the gold medal in the womens 1500m event at the 2006 Commonwealth Games and finished 4th in the final of the 1500m in the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. Build your base and mileage so you reach the milage you want to/will have during the fundamental period. 3. For example running long threshold sessions and doing 90 minutes long runs for a 400m/800m type will not be optimal training for him/her, but can be good training for the 800m/1500m type. 105-110% of Race pace. Be fresh mentally and physically for the hard days. 3. That's around 150m-800m repeats. Progresses to 8x400m 60 sec rec. Tuesday: PM: 3km Warm Up, drills and strides, 1200, 800, 400, 5x200m. Long Runs: Examples of race specific training sessions during the specific period: 1. The person who is good at both the 400m and the 1500m will strive to mix both abilities to the precise level to maximize performance. Note: Very smart folks debate these numbers on a regular basis. This athlete may be running well in cross country, basketball, or soccer - accumulating the aerobic base / mileage needed to build a powerful aerobic approach to the 800m. Strength, power, and conditioning workouts. 10x300m. An example of a middle distance training programme which might be done by a Junior athlete training 3 times a week. Energy Source 400m 800m 1500m 5000m 10000m Mar. As a general rule this should be your training paces: *Easy regeneration running (Slower than 50% of 800m pace) This may help you to determine your actual strengths. Also remember that each pace works as a support for running at the other paces. You may see them used in 120m - 180m repeats with barely adequate rest, or a 3x300 @ 99% effort with 15 min rest between each. 4: 2600+2600+2600 rest= 3 and 6 (3600m) For HS male runners who are fastest at their school, but run an 800m in about 2:05 (or slower), look at the TFRRS.Org rankings for female college athletes in the 400m and 1500m to see where you would rank. 8 x 800s, 6 x 1000s are examples with 1:1 rest. With 10-15 minute breaks. 2 min rec. 1520 sec hill sprints (300s running) I recommend exercises like explosive squats 44 reps and 1 legged explosive step ups. Type I 800m runners will have 3 EASY speed sessions per week (out of 12-13 sessions per week). Fundamental period. The 1500m has unique strength and speed demands. 1. Progression comes not from increasing the speed but increasing number of repeats or decreasing the rest to increase the ability to run fast with high accumulation of lactate. Both athletes may keep doing them, but the total volume will not be nearly as demanding as it was. November 10, 2022. I am firm believer you need to work on different speedsfor 800m and 1500m runners. A typical week of training for me when I was training for 800m/1500m wa.800 Meter Training Definition of Sets - The Warm-up The length of the warm-up varies from one to three miles Followed by 600 to 1200 meters at anaerobic threshold pace Example: An athlete with a 2:00 pr for 800 (2:00 = 120 seconds /.75 = 160 seconds) = 2:40 pace. The total weekly mileage for the 400/800m runner is of less importance. Repeat cycle with progression on intervals. Heartbeats per Minute (BPM): Explore the concepts here. Mo Farah and Galen Rupp incorporate exercises like these in their training program. This is likely why some runners excel when they change training programs or coaches. Type II 800m Runner (Mid-Endurance Based) Mileage / Volume. On Wednesdays she starts with a short run of about half an hour, then an easy run in the afternoon / evening. Rosedene Multi-Sport is a triathlon and running focused 1:1 coaching practice, with 20 years of experience in coaching runners and 10 years of experience in coaching triathletes. 6: 5600 rest=3+4+5+6 (3000m) 8 min set rec. 8x400m 90 sec rec. 2 min rest. Progresses to 8x150m with 2 min 30 sec rec 3 x 500 @ 800m race pace, with 8 minute rest, would be a very tough workout. Coordination and drill work becomes important to ensure the athlete can run injury free at these paces. (2-3 months) Failing to understand this can lead to injuries and poor performance. Hassan claimed her first global title in women's 1500m IAAF indoor Championships Portland 2016, she . Training in zone 4 rather than zone 3 will probably develop the vo2 max more and also the pace of these intervals will be faster and more running specific to the pace of the 800m. There are busy professionals who will run 8-10 miles to work in order to get in their base miles, for example. 5 min rec. This person can win the 800m at the collegiate level, but you wont see it as often as the Type I or Type III runner. The 1:56 / 2:13 (boys / girls) times in high school are no longer adequate to excel at the next level. (2-4 weeks) Watch for signs of overuse injuries. 10x120m sprints flat (1440m) Monday: PM: 6km Easy, 7x80m hill sprints, strength. This is a periodised middle-distance plan for the 800-1500m specialist, it is 24 weeks in duration, starting out of race season progressing into the race season through three eight week phases - 1. We can measure intensity by the pace of the run, heartbeats per minute, lactic acid present in the blood, or rated / relative perceived effort. Last 2-3 days before competition should always be easy training so that you are ready for your best performance. Aerobic (%) 18.5 35.0 52.5 80.0 90.0 97.5 Anaerobic (%) 81.5 65.0 47.5 20.0 10.0 2.5 Current Model Energy Source 400m 800m 1500m 5000m 10000m Mar. It always varies, but generally follows a routine like this: This schedule assumes that the race is on the Saturday, obviously the schedule will shift if the race is on another day. 2x(3x300m) 3 min rec. Short aerobic intervals with short recovery: 80-90% of 800m pace During the specific period its common with 2 easy days between the hard sessions rather than 1 day. For the 40 Yard and 100m, remember that you need to breathe while in the blocks - oxygen plays a basic role in getting you to the starting line and keeping your organs from failing. Give a little attention to some VO2 pace work. Rest, with the rehearsed warms ups, then a 1500m run, followed by television interviews and warm downs. I am a Masters Athlete and Coach currently based in London UK. Schedule for a middle distance athlete aiming to run 2min 25secs (girl) and 2min 05 (boy) for 800m, 5min 04secs (girl) and 4min 20 (boy) for 1500m. Anaerobic Alactic - no oxygen, effective for about 8 seconds. Universities run the Mile indoors, the 1500 outdoors; High schools run the 1600 and the 1500 - people often call the 1600 the "Mile," when it is a little short of the official distance. I will not dwelve too much into physiology in this guide. Pure speed is not a problem for running a fast 800m. 80% of RP = 15.63/0.8=19.54 sec per 100m $ 19.99. Run on soft surface, at least on you recovery days and long runs. Strides are helpful to support the development of neuromuscular coordination. 16.45s x 6 =1.39 on 600m So the 2 bases comes very close to each other in terms of pace during the specific period with many spesific session at 95-105% of race pace. William Bowerman, The Bowerman System,(1983) Dr. Donald Chu, Plyometric Exercises (1989) Dr. Jack Daniels, (1998) William H. Freeman, Peak When it Counts (1989) Clyde Hart, 400Meters Training (Track and Field Quarterly Review, Spring 1993, p.23-28) Andy Higgins and Zoltan Tenke, Medicine Ball Training (1992) Videos Clyde Hart, Baylor"s Dynamic 400 Meter Training If plan includes Structured Workouts, then planned workouts sync to compatible devices and guide you through workouts in real time. If the athlete has a significant athletic background in other sports, he / she may be able to get to these volumes in their 1st season. 7x600m 2 min recovery. The athlete should not leave the session miserable. The focus on these runs should be on recovery and the pace should be comfortable and slow. To me, INTENSITY refers to the types of paces an athlete runs during their training week, the percentage of volume run at those different paces, and the amount of recovery / easy running provided. Weeks 10-17 are likely some of the highest volumes of the season. Progresses to 10x150m 3 min rec. These specific aspects include: racespecific goal setting, understanding the rhythm of the race, understanding race strategy, developing an ability to "race" and respond, and being able to cope with pain. 2. We work with age-group Ironman podium athletes and national level triathletes of all ages. (Read my interview with Gary Reed), *NOTE: readTempo Training Differences for Sprinters and Distance Runners, Lets take a look atGenzebe Dibaba training leading up to her world record of 3:50.07. I have a lot more workouts, but I wont print them because everyone is going to copy them without understanding the hows-and-whys you do a particular workout. Seb ran 4 of the 5 paces all year, dropping only the 3km pace in winter. If there is a longer period of time without competition you can also go back to train 2-3 week of training from the special period, with less intensity and larger volume than in the specific period. Type III Athlete: Is the athlete mediocre at the 400m and 1500m, yet very good at the 800 meters? Start at 5K pace and gradually get down to 3K pace work by Week 19. The resistant type has a slower 400m pb and should focus more on their strengths, that is aerobic endurance and ability to run higher milage at lower intensity. The purpose of these is increase the Vo2 max and anaerobic threshold but at a more specific speed than the longer intervals.
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